You are getting your information from main stream media sources: the New York Times, The Guardian, and other left leaning/left funded sources. You are a smart woman but you have incorrect information. You are a great yoga teacher and you should stick to that. Learn about the Son of Hamas who was actually involved in the Hamas movement. You can find him on You-Tube, Ig, etc. Also, learn about Francisco Gil- White who is a true historian/ journalist. There are many others.

It is not Israel's job to provide food, electricity, supplies, etc to Palestinians. They do it out of the goodness of their hearts. Why are you not excoriating the nearby Arab nations for not taking their own people in or supplying them with supplies? Have you listened to approx 25% of the Gaza Palestinians who plead to us to help defeat Hamas?

You are correct. It is not complicated. One side wants to kill the other and will not make peace under ANY circumstances . It is the life goal of Hamas to kill all Jews then kill all Westerners. THEY SAY SO!! You may want to believe them. You are actually helping to kill Westerners as well.

If Hamas is not defeated, the West is next.

Anti-semitism does not just affect the Jews as you are aware. There will be many others killed as well.

The genocide is not being caused by Israel. Maybe change your sources from Mainstream Media to independent journalists who are more objective.

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Hi Susanna! Thanks for taking the time to comment, and to testify to some of the main Zionist talking points. The NYT may be left-leaning, but it is extremely pro-Israeli, as is much of the U.S. media. But I can see why you don't trust the NYT: I notice that you follow Dr. Mercola, who the NYT has called "The most influential spreader of Coronavirus misinformation online (and who is a well-known conspiracy theorist). Merola is the subject of an online documentary on misinfornation and disinfomation, and a telling example of how these two systems of propaganda are connected. Fo interested readers: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/16/NYT-Presents/joseph-mercola-coronavirus-misinformation.html and https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/24/technology/joseph-mercola-coronavirus-misinformation-online.html.

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Hi Susanna- thanks for commenting, and for illustrating some of the more problematic talking points for us! The NYT may be left-leaning, but it is extremely pro-Israeli, as is much of the U.S. media. But I can see why you might mistrust the NYT: You follow and subscribe to the channel of Dr. Joseph Mercola, who is a conspiracy theorist, and who the NYT calls the "leading spreader of Coronavirus misinformation (and disinformation) online. He's the subject of a NYT documentary on the topic of disinformation. This illustrates so perfectly how the two systems of disinformation (Zionism and Covid disinformation) are connected. Mercola has made millions off his business, and strong-arming people into believing vitamin C cures cancer and other such problematic myths.


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Thank you Bo for your work and your help in order to speak out

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Thank you, Audrey, for taking the time to read and to comment.

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Thank you for taking the time to share this incredible resource. My family history is similar to yours but slightly different by geography; my grandmother and her family/town were forcibly expelled from their homes after the end of World War II for being ethnic Germans in Brno, which is now in Czechia. The epigenetics of war trauma, displacement, being a refugee is intense and though my family doesn't have a Jewish connection, the situation in Israel/Palestine triggers this deep-rooted trauma. The family I married into is largely Muslim. I always try to see all sides and as a yoga teacher I try to look at everything through the lens of peace and ahimsa. Thanks again for sharing.

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A little note to say that I am grateful to you for so much - and most recently for all of this. I am trying so hard to be a helper and not someone who cause harm and you’ve given me the best tools to further that goal. Thank you

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Thanks so much for reading, and for taking the time to comment; appreciate it!

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Not to mention - Israel does not have the right to self defense. A state cannot simultaneously exercise control over territory it occupies and militarily attack that territory on the claim that it is “foreign” and poses an exogenous national security threat. In doing precisely that, Israel is asserting rights that may be consistent with colonial domination but simply do not exist under international law.

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Yes, after the heading about Israel's right to defend itself, above, I say: "According to international humanitarian law, when you occupy another country, you lose the right to defend yourself." The article also mentions, just above that: "Any nation has the right to defend itself. At the same time, nations must adhere to international humanitarian law in exercising that right. Israel is not doing so."

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Beautifully informative and helps me find words in this ever challenging discussion. Please continue to be a beacon. 🔥🔥🔥

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Thank you for taking the time to read and comment- and for being willing to engage in these difficult, frustrating, and sometimes backward conversations.

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