Jun 14Liked by Bo Forbes

Hey Bo,

Thank you so much for this article and the reminder (and knowledge) of the challenging path we tread when it comes to these assaults on our bodies as women and girls! I so appreciate your diligence in beating this drum as it relates to body justice. So often so many of us walk around completely disconnected from our bodies precisely because of the disregard, disrespect, disassociation and misinformation the collective gives to women 's bodies, especially when they are black or women of color bodies!!

So many of the women I work with as a yoga teacher and yoga therapist come with so much shame, guilt and suffering in their bodies. And when this suffering is associated with the trauma of assault it is disheartening to witness when you know a 'few poses' is hardly enough! You article and willingness to share it, is empowering. Our bodies matter! As a spiritual imperative I have a duty to remember this for myself and to remind my clients of this fact also.

Many thanks again! All love and peace to you!

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Hi Joanne, Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Yes, our bodies matter! The article was already long, but I'm saving for later the spectre also of domestic violence (and self-defense) and the way it disproportionately affects women of color, too (I'm thinking of Cyntoia Brown, among many othevs), and how mounting a legal defense against it is easier for white women. In case it's helpful to any of your students or clients, Mariame Kaba founded this organization: https://survivedandpunished.org/. Much love and peace to you as well!

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